Friday, December 29, 2006

Thursday night is party night

It was last night anyway.

Weather (outside): Sunny but surprisingly cold and windy.
Weather (inside): Sun's breaking through. No temperature to report.

AB came over. We drank an 11-year old Spanish wine that totally rocked. We talked a lot and drank and fooled around again. Still same feeling about the lack of feeling. She's cool and I like her, but even when we're kissing I'm vaguely wondering why.

In other news, it's been pretty up and down on my dating/Match front.

The "new wave" was a complete failure... Not a single response. I was pretty disenheartened. However, for some unknown reason, I emailed someone I'd emailed when I was first starting and she emailed back and we seem to be hitting it off. It really came in the nick of time, I was beginning to despair. We can call her AM. It turns out we know someone in common, so that might be interesting.

So what else have we learned? Lots of people of both genders cut off their searches at 35. Being a year or two older than that, I end up writing lots of people who aren't technically looking for me. I can drink, run, or whatever most 30 year olds, so I don't know why I should get cut out, but life's like that, right?

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