Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Well, actually all anti-depressants. Or, well, actually, the two I'm on. I've reduced one by half to see what happens. So far, I'm very sleepy. Just tired. My brain's ok, I guess, not too stupid. Less hand-shaking. That is, shaking hands. My own, not greeting other people. So I've halved my Wellbutrin, with the plan of eliminating it from my system within two weeks. Well, no longer putting it into my system. My understanding is that it'll take another few weeks for it to get totally out. And then we'll see about that zoloft.

It's been supposed to rain, but it hasn't. Sort of a double-reverse Eli's Coming. It's windy, at least. I like wind. No, I don't. It blows so much dust around. So much, in fact, that if it does rain, things will be dirtier after the rain than they were before. I drive a black car, so I think that blows. No pun intended.

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