Sunday, March 2, 2008


Today seems like a good day to renew Eli's Coming. Because even when you think things are going well, it happens. And even when you tell yourself you can handle it, sometimes you can't.

Another failed relationship. Another abortive attempt at love. Another botch job. Well-done!

I told myself a long time ago as my marriage collapsed that I wouldn't lie again. I lie easily; I'm quite good at it. I realized this week that it isn't the lying. It's the weakness of putting myself into a position where lying would be easier than not.

And, sex? I can't be alone for one stinking night, I can't just stop and go home and let go for one night? She needed space, that's it. A chance to miss me. Instead, she sees a window into a needy, lying craphead who can't help but stalk everyone he dates.

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