Sunday, May 6, 2007

My day

My day could probably be covered with several different stories...

First, to get out of the way, saw Christy, looking good, although her ultimate game isn't what it used to be. I really wish I could figure out how to connect with her.

Also saw some old friends, some of whom I am either attracted to now or have been in the past. I went to watch the Jazz game, therefore missed the party where all my old (female) friends were. I would have struck out there if I somehow could make it. I will make sure that I hang with them tomorrow night if there's anything up.

I hate my life. I just can't connect with people and I so want to be able to...
Rachel: Called her today, I was listening to the radio, they were mentiong the derby. I know she likes horses, so I called her to remind her. "You're calling to remind me about the race?" she said. Wow, I missed you, too.

And CUT's playing in the regional finals tomorrow.

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