Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Don't email while doped up

I'm normally an ambien guy. But a friend gave me some seroquel and I took it. And apparently I decided to send the woman I'd just had a date with (AR) an email. And it was very embarrassing. I didn't proposition her, but it was kind of disrespectful (in a funny way), and asked her a question that I'd already asked her.

Although I do have a theory that the friend sent it... it just didn't sound like me.

In any case, AR responded gracefully and we'll see. I called her earlier and left a message.

Now, with cell phones and all that, how long do you wait before you can call back? At some point, it becomes stalking. If you call too soon, you're not giving them a chance to get back. If you don't, well, you have to wait and be alone.

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