Saturday, December 30, 2006

Let me sum up, no let me summarize

So I guess what I've been dancing around is the simple truth that these "dating engines" are exclusive, rather than inclusive in their processes. They give us ways to eliminate nearly everyone in the dating pool, before we take the positive action of actually contacting someone. And then, from there, the contactee is essentially given an up or down vote, there's no negotiation or middle ground.

OK, so here's where I am now... in hell!

I think I mentioned that I joined Yahoo Personals, too. All of these systems are like a candy store. You see all the options, it seems so great, you can obsess over each profile, there's so many to choose from! And then you try a second search... and they're all the same and they seem so lame except the first 4 people you picked, none of whom have contacted me back. Yeah, I switched from second to first person. Oh well. And, in some ways, having multiple systems (now three for me) only makes things more confusing and even more stressful. Too many places to check for progress, new contacts, new subscribers, etc. And the email systems are all imperfect so even though they're supposed to forward at least a notification to my personal email folder, they don't always, so I have to check three places every time the obsessive urge hits me (which is quite frequently, I'm afraid.)

AM hasn't disappeared, but after 15 emails yesterday, I'm a little confused where things stand. I shouldn't worry about it, but that's what I do. OG, on the other hand, has completely disappeared on me. Three nights ago, we did a bunch of IM'ing and even though we'd never met, we started flirting a lot and talking about sleeping over. That night. After about 45 minutes of us both trying to decide what the heck to do (I mean, what if I get there and she's heinous? I'm sure she was thinking the same thing) she tells me she's getting in the shower. During the discussion, she mentioned that she was already in bed and if I came over, she'd have to take a shower. So when she says, I'm taking a shower... I think I'm supposed to go there, right? So then I ask her where she lives. She tells me the exit and then nothing else. She logs off the IM system. She doesn't answer her emails. Her phone is turned off. So meanwhile, I've gotten dressed and am sitting in front of my computer figuring out how long she'd need to be in a shower, since she apparently forgot to send me her address, or it got cut off and she thought I got it.

Long story short, she emails me the next day, saying she fell asleep. No mention of all my emails saying "OK, I'm leaving now!" No mention at all. But a vague offer to do something over the weekend. We exchange a couple of innocent emails when apparently I have offended her... I mentioned that she changed her picture in her profile. All I can say is, the picture had changed. It was still the same picture, but it had been cropped differently. I tried explaining that, but she seemed kind of huffy (it's hard to tell in email) and I haven't heard from her since. I sent an email, a text, and a phone message. Nothing. I think I've done what I can, without stalking someone who I haven't even decided would be worth it, if I was a stalker.

I'll talk about Yahoo Personals a little. I haven't figured much out yet, but a few things:
  • It doesn't tell you who just left a profile, and who has joined; this makes a big difference
  • There are definitely lots of fakes, more than Match.
  • I don't think the website refreshes often, so it's hard to tell who has been on or off or if they've looked at your profile.
  • It has this personality test that I personally disagree with. Or at least, I disagree with its assessment of me.

I've gotten a few interesting nibbles, but we'll see. As always in life, the ones I want don't want me, and vice versa.

And here's another little nugget, although this comes from Match... a woman from Ogden "winks" at me. So I send her a quick email, basically saying Thanks, I'm curious, but you need to send me an email. I'm very nice about it. And about an hour later, I go back in the system and her profile's not available anymore. I mean, it shows up in "My Favorites" but there's no link to her profile. She might have taken it off line, but it was still odd.

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