Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The first lessons

OK, for people of either gender, a few things I've noticed that might help you:
1. Don't lie about things that I can see in your picture. If you're, you know, overweight, you might as well check that box in your profile. Or age. A little creative editing makes sense, but don't say you're 29 when you're 43. Cuz I'm gonna see your picture either way.
2. Some words mean funny things when I read them. Like Sassy. For some reason "sassy" is as generic as words come for a woman. I don't know what sassy means. It's like a guy saying they're "generous" or "open" or something. So get some better words.
3. Oh, another word... Independent. For some reason, the more a woman insists that she's independent, the more I think what they really mean is "selfish." Because that's what I've seen so far.
4. Take a good picture.
5. And speaking of good pictures, don't post six pictures of you with 5 other women (or guys, for you guys) so I can't tell which one you are.

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