Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Lies and the lying liars... I haven't done any research on this, but I have a better memory than most people, and this is what I remember:
In 2004, Presnint Bush told us in several speeches and debates that there were already more than 100,000 Iraqi soldiers trained and ready to go. And when Kerry said otherwise, the Presnint chided him for being anti-American. And then we heard again that there were 100,000. And then again. Why hasn't someone (and maybe that should be me) put this into a timeline, with each time that he said it and effectively contradicted himself. Aren't those lies? Even if it was an error at some point, when he keeps reciting the number, shouldn't he have just enough brain cells to remember that he just told us the same thing and therefore it wasn't right the first time?

Just asking.

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