Saturday, January 13, 2007

...or maybe I'm not

Yeah, so still nothing. I called twice--trying desparately to not be a stalker. It might be something innocent. So who knows???

Do I keep calling? Yes, no? Text again? I know that not everyone goes places with their phones, but it's also almost 8:00 and ML's little girl will probably need to go to bed soon, no? I am tempted to write a "Just tell me if you're ignoring me" email, but those don't really do anything. Well, it might if she said "Take the hint, moron" but those emails can also be self-fulfilling.

I should be more confident, but I'm not right now.

I talked to HG briefly. She was tired and not very conversational, although she called me. We're still on for Monday; I was less excited when I thought that ML was into me. But now, well, something is better than nothing. Not that HG is nothing. But I hope she finds some inspiration soon... I can't do it all on my own!

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